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Marco Balesteros
Marco Balesteros explores the book as expanded territory and performative space, which he began researching as part of the MA programme at Werkplaats Typografie (Arnhem/HL) and Jan Van Eyck Academy (Maastrich/HL), where he developed the project SALA LIVR(E)O. In his practice he investigates the artist book, the essay book and the book as staged territory. Balesteros explores this possibility through his collaboration with dancer and choreographer Sara Vaz in the project LIVRO-CARACTERE. He is the founder of studio LETRA, where he produces projects in a close dialogue with visual artists, photographers, dancers, curators, publishers, galleries and others. Balesteros develops pedagogical models parallel to the academic space in which he explores publishing as a collaborative model and a form of public action. He has developed countless workshops on the notions of Self-publishing: Samizadt and Portable School (FBAUL, Lisbon); Mus(a)eu(m) (Serralves, Porto); LOW high (Madrid); Hard-Edit (Bucharest); Second Circulation (Darmstadt), Portable School—A lesson in Politics (Sofia), De-School-ing ENSBA Lyon, among others. MB is a professor/curator in the Graphic Design course at Universidade Lusófona Lisbon—DELLI, and invited guest professor of the Graphic Design MA at ESAD Caldas da Rainha.