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Inês Correia
Inês Correia (1972), Conservator-restorer of Graphic Documents, exercised, between 1997 and 2018, conservation of manuscripts and historical bindings in the National Archive of Torre do Tombo. She received her doctorate from the Art History Department of FCSH-UNL, with the support of FCT, with research on the archeology of illuminated manuscripts from the Monastery of Lorvão. She taught (2012-2016) at FCSH-UNL the discipline of Preservation and Conservation of Information and Documentation, and, among other projects for the Preservation and Conservation of documents, the ones she developed in Goa stand out, with the support of the Oriente Foundation, in public and private libraries; in Egypt, at the service of the Levantine Foundation, at the Coptic Library of Seir al-Surian; for Unesco, in the preparation of the Dossier for the current nomination of the Apocalypse of Lorvão (1189) the Memory of the World. She attended the doctoral year in Media Art at Universidade Lusófona (2017/18) and is the commissioner of the exploratory project LivrObjecto - Anatomy and Architecture (, whose events since 2017 have already hosted the Library of Olivais, Art Library and Gulbenkian Archives, Difference Gallery, São Lázaro Library, Braço de Prata Factory and Chiado National Museum of Contemporary Art. She currently coordinates in the Conservation Area of the MUDE-Museum of Design and Fashion, is a lecturer invited by DELLI at Lusófona University and represents Portugal at the European Research Center for Book and Paper Conservation-Restoration.